Wellcome to National Portal
Main Comtent Skiped

What services are available?

The following is a list of what services Krungnong will get
1. Online new birth registration
2. Online registration of new deaths
3. Fake birth registration (Bengali)
4. Fake birth registration (english)
5. Any application online
6. Complete the passport form online
7. Find out any testing results online
8. Check or remove other applications online
9. Fill the passport form on the computer
10. Hand out the passport form
11. Send e-mail
12. Apply online citizens, heirs, and others with certificates
13. All the applications received by Union Parishad are available online
14. Copy of all certificates copied by Union Parishad (Sadakalo)
15. All certificates copied by Union Parishad (color) available online
16. Photocopy (copy)
17. Computer compose
18. Apply any certification letter online
19. Copy of photo (passport size) copy
20. Scanning (per page)
21. Video call (per minute)
22. Download and install the mobile apps and other services will karaecharao: agriculture, health, education, law and human rights, tourism, non-enterprise-based databases prabhrtijibanajibika National e-gazetteer '(www.infokosh.bangladesh.gov.bd) to provide information on in addition, the e-gazetteer iuaiesasisamuhe thakeanalainera has been offline version (CD / DVD) is, so there is a constant internet connection service Eoya is possible.