Artificial reproduction of cows, if the cow is hot or calls, artificially grows the seeds of improved calf in the womb of the cows without artificial breeding. Artificial breeding facilities: Developing varieties of breed with improved variety of bulls can be developed. The cow can be flown at the right time. There is no need to keep bulls in the house for flock or there is no trouble taking the cow near the bull's bull. Advanced brewed calves are available from improved seeds.
If the calf does not reach the native place, then it is fed up before the local bakna and it is available from 10 to 15 kg milk and the bull calf is grown in a short time, the weight increases and the meat is more available. Cow is not likely to be infected with sexually transmitted diseases. If you wish, the cow can be fed by bringing the reproduction to the farm or in the house. If the cow is not pregnant with a flock repeatedly, then it is possible to take steps to know the reason behind it. Remember: The cow should be flunked at the right time. The cows should be flowing within 12 to 18 hours of hot or dry calls.
Scientific means of cultivation of artificial breeding livestock Many people have established dairy farms using artificial breeding techniques. Accept the opportunity you also have. Take care of cow and calves after pregnancy and childbirth.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS